Occupational Therapy

Assess and intervene to develop, recover, and maintain meaningful activities,

We provide Occupational Therapy  one-on-one to children diagnosed with Autism, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation, Down Syndrome, Developmental Delay, Developmental Co-ordination and Balance Disorder, Learning Disability, etc.
Occupational therapists evaluate the current developmental levels of children and adults with disabilities, aiming to improve their ability to self-regulate emotions and participate in social interactions. Through interventions, OTs can help people with disabilities build on their areas of strength and overcome their limitations. Ways Occupational Therapists perform their evaluation is by considering the following factors:

Occupational Therapy

Social: interactions with others, emotion regulation, behavior, desire for personal space, eye contact, aggression

Communication: speech, non-verbal communication

Cognitive: attention span, stamina

Sensory: responses to stimuli, sensory seeking, sensory defensiveness

Motor: posture, balance, manipulation of small objects

Therapeutic Methodologies

• Sensory integration
• Mirror therapy
• Integrated music therapy
• Feedback assisted therapy {FAT}